Chicken Run
Before building my coop and run I stressed over getting the right materials for both the inside coop and the outside run. I read about all of the different ways folks do it from using a tractor to constantly move to composting right inside of the run.
Our coop is in our small backyard, and right off the patio. So I was looking for a couple of factors: It needs to look nice, it needs to be not-smelly and it’s got to be easy to clean. As I was collecting information about proper care for the ladies I also learned that I needed a space that was dry, but would drain easily if it did get wet and they also need to keep cool in the heat. Chickens require grit to properly digest their food and finally they need to dust bathe regularly.
So armed with my list of needs I started to eliminate run floor methods until I was left with Construction Sand. The sand checked all of the boxes with one product with ease. So I ordered 1 ton (a truckload) from my local sand and rock company (Atlas Sand and Rock). They delivered it to my driveway and we spread it into the entire run (4 inches deep) before setting the coop on it and then fencing in the run space.
I think so. The sand looks clean and consistent. The wind isn’t going to blow it around in or out of the run. It doesn't get clumped up or spread thin. Even when it needs to be cleaned, I think visually it looks cleaner than some other bedding options
I do have a roof over the entire run, so smell from moister isn’t a problem, but the real question is smell from the chickens themselves..and I have to say smell hasn’t been an issue for us. I rake it out every other week.
You better believe it! I use an old leaf rake I had in the shed to rake everything into a pile. Then I just scoop and sift like it’s a giant kitty litter box. I found this litter scoop with a long handle.
Nope! This construction sand is a mix of fine and rocky sand. Every evening I toss scratch on the run floor so while they are pecking and scratching for the seeds, they are getting plenty of grit to help them grind up and digest those nutritious seeds.
My girls are constantly digging and dust bathing in the sand. Especially under the coop. Agnes is the best bath digger and everyone else is always stealing her bath hole! The construction sand provides the fine sand that naturally sifts under the rocky sand. They have no problems getting down to the good stuff.
So there you have it! All of my boxes are checked and my ladies are happy as can be! I can clean the run in under 10 minutes with little mess. Bonus for them when I do rake the run to scoop the poop the small seeds from their scratch is left behind and brought to the surface and they get a bit of a snack!