3 Dog Urban Homestead

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The Intentional Stewardship of Creation

For several months I had been meditation with God about true Sabbath Rest. It’s so much deeper than taking a break from work or taking a nap. Truly letting go of the things of the world and taking up the yoke of Jesus (Matt. 11:29). This peaceful place with Him, where I am not an anxious person, I am not overweight, overstressed and worried about my family. Instead I put down those things I carry around and am the creative, peaceful, loving human being that God intended for me to be. Since I’ve found this space to be ME with HIM in communion is pure Joy. I feel compelled to share it with everyone. But How?

That’s the question. How can I effectively share this space of true joy with everyone in a world that is anything but. God spoke to me, but it was hard to interpret. I feel urgency, I feel like I have a lot to learn in small space of time. For several weeks I would enter the space with Jesus with the intention to gain a clearer understanding of the directions He is giving me.

You see, I am a planner. I am really good at mapping out a plan of action. The careful research of topic, timing and action. I can create the schedule of success that anyone can follow. I can visual the end and work backward to the beginning . That is my gift. Organizing and creatively creating the action plan. So everyday I would ask Jesus “ where am I to start? Where is this going? What are the words you want me to share?” And everyday He would say back to me, “Just Start”.

I ordered a bunch of books and have many more on my wishlist. I watched a bunch of documentaries, I started making a bunch of notes. Yet, everyday I would ask the same questions and everyday he would say “Just Start”. I’ve been reading two different books so far, and I highlight and I take notes I excitedly share facts with my husband. And still I have no instructions. Am I on the wrong path? Am I supposed to be going in a different direction?

I entered my meditation, I starting walking along the road with Jesus, as I individually shed the things of the world along the side of the road, anxiety, depression, body image, guilt, I feel lighter, I slowly find the peace that I long for. I talk too much. When I get excited or nervous I talk non stop. I have so many thoughts and ideas, they have to get out of my brain for me to find peace. But Jesus is patient. Patient in the way my Grandpa would listen to me drone on and on about my junior high life and never complain, or change the subject. (Excuse me while I let some tears fall for how much I miss him in my life)

We walk, and I feel lighter and lighter. I feel complete joy when He smiles. Then I just blurted out: “I don’t understand. I feel such urgency on so many topics. Where do I start?! I need something, I need you just lay it out for me.” In return He says “Treat yourself the way I created you to be. Leave the things of the world on the side of the road. Instead, act like you are the creation of life. I made the world to sustain you, so let it.”

That’s It! Then the dog starts barking, the chickens are asking for breakfast and I can hear our youngest coming down the stairs. As Christians we are the stewards of creation. Not only to we need to protect it, we need to understand it. I still don’t really know where this map is leading, but now I am confident. So here I go, diving into creation and the beauty of it. If God was finished with this world, the end would have come and we would be finished with it. But He isn’t, so we aren’t. Let us rediscover creation and start living the way He intended: with great joy and leave behind the sadness and sickness of the dark.