3 Dog Urban Homestead

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Elvis bread

Here’s the story of how Elvis Bread come to be in our house. I discovered a bunch of bananas that had been hidden by some dish towels. I was not upset to find the brown and squishy bananas because that makes the perfect opportunity for Banana Bread!

Ava Pearl wanted to help and of course she wanted to add Chocolate Chips! So I said of course it will have chocolate chips! We put everything in the bowl and as she was mixed it up I went to the pantry to grab the chocolate chips. In a strange coincidence we don’t have any chocolate chips (something I keep plentifully stocked in my pantry) But I did happen to have some peanut butter chips.

So as I was measuring out 1 cup of peanut butter chips I was reminded that this flavor combo was a favorite of non other than the King himself - Elvis. And so Elvis bread is born.

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

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This recipe originally comes from Spoonful of Flavor (all I did was substitute the chocolate for peanut butter chips. Her recipe has been my go to for banana bread for a long time <3