Castor Oil

I have hypothyroid issues and it isn’t great. It was originally diagnosed when I went to see my nurse practitioner about increased migraines and ocular migraines. After some blood work it was determined that my thyroid had just stopped functioning the way it was supposed to which also explained why diet and exercise was not doing anything for the weight loss post baby #3.

Immediately I started on Levothyroxin. While the medication did stop the migraines and the lighting strikes across my vision that left me virtually blind, I wasn’t feeling better. Like the plague of women’s health, I was given more medications for depression and anxiety.

DISCLAIMER: I am an advocate for taking depression and/or anxiety medication if it right for you. I suffered with untreated anxiety as a teen that developed into OCD. Those tics continue to be a struggle for me to overcome even after years of treatment. If the medications help you feel better, take them. There is no shame in taking medication for mood. I wish I had received the treatment when I was a teen developing a stress ulcer and suffering in silence. Postpartum depression hit me hard all three times and I still take medication to help me regulate both depression and anxiety.

In all of my study of natural remedies and herbal healing I often will come across an herb that is helpful to the thyroid, but only if you do not take an Rx medication for thyroid function. Then I happen to come across castor oil packs on good ole’ TikTok. Immediately I dove into the facts and pleasantly surprised to learn not only how easy and assessable it is, but the benefits for not only thyroid, but liver, kidney and lymphatic system!

I committed to doing a thyroid pack one hour every evening for one week and let me tell you something. My sleep quality improved almost immediately. After the seven day initial treatment, I continue to do a thyroid pack every other evening for one hour. The benefits of quality sleep has affected my energy and focus during the day and my overall mood. I plan to do a liver pack soon after seeing the quick results of the thyroid pack.

What you need to do a thyroid pack:
Castor Oil
Pack or Cotton Flannel with a wrap

Apply castor oil to the flannel, wrap it to your right side for liver detox. Stomach/pelvis for hormone, menstural pain or fertility. Lower back for kidney. Throat for Thyroid. Leave for 1 hour each evening. Start with 7 days consecutively and then continue treatment 3 to 4 times a week.

Store your wrap in a tightly sealed glass jar between uses.

Click on at the picture below to get the printable PDF for your herbal journal


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