Ancient Grains: Emmer


Often when Farro wheat is mentioned, the author is referring to Emmer grain. However, Emmer is just one of the three farro varieties: Einkorn, Emmer and Spelt are all farro. Farro is actually the name for a hulled wheat, referring to the the hard outer layer of protection the plant grows around each berry.

Ancient History

Emmer is one of the earliest cultivated wheats that is mostly grown in the mountains of Asia and Europe. It has a substantial history in Italy thanks to the Romans. Emmer is the mother of the Durum variety that is used for pasta today. Coming from the Hebrew name Em ha Hitah, Emmer is the “mother wheat” of Israel. It found it ways to the US in 1906 via Aaron Aaronsohn who noted the climate similarites of California and Israel.

Where can I get Emmer berries?

I like to source all of my wheat berries from Azure Standard.

A breakfast choice?

Emmer isn’t just milled and made into bread and pasta! Often it is cooked to replace risotto and rice. Also served as a breakfast porridge with fresh fruit or honey! This grain is a versatile staple in many parts of the world

Health Benefits

Emmer boasts high fiber content and lower gluten content*. It is also a strong source of niacin, playing an important role in the microbiome. Just 1/2 cup of emmer offers 29% of our required magnesium for the day. Emmer also has a low glycemic index, releasing the glucose slowly, helping to regulate blood sugar levels. Studies have concluded that diets including farro grains (emmer, einkorn, spelt and rye) may delay onset of type 2 diabetes. * Anyone with a true celiac diagnosis cannot process gluten of any kind

Hydration Ratio for Baking

When baking with whole grains you must consider the structure of the grain you are using. It’s not like using white AP flour where the flour is readily hydrated and easily controlled. For optimal results in baking, the Emmer wheat likes to autolyze with 75% hydration for anywhere from 1-2 hours.

Milling Ratio for Flour

1 cup of emmer = 180 g 1 cup of emmer flour = 120g 1 cup emmer grain = 1 1/2 cups flour

No Mill? No Problem

Grains can be soaked or cooked to full hydration, then blended to achieve the autolyze step. Adding your additional flavors and leavening agents before kneading the dough. I cup Emmer to 4 cups of water (or stock). Bring to a boil on high for 5 minutes, reduce to a simmer for 50-60 minutes. Using an instant pot : high pressure for 10 minutes with a natural release for 5 minutes. If you are using pearled emmer, reduce the high pressure to 8 minutes.


Ancient Grains: Einkorn


Ancient grains: Khorasan