3 Dog Urban Homestead

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Tea Collection : MullEIn

For the longest time I’ve had Mullein in my tea collection for one purpose: cough and cold. I honestly thought this was going to be a quick and easy post with my one punch herb that was knocked the cough out of your body.

But as I dove into more resources to make a complete fact sheet printable for you, I couldn’t believe what I found. I cross checked all of the facts to make sure you were getting the best information for this heavy weight herb that has more uses than I ever imagined!

If you don’t have it in your collection now, don’t wait until you have a cough to get your hands on some . I started with this from Herbal Hermit.

If you plan to grow mullein in your tea garden, consider buying your seeds from a small homestead or farm like this at Willow Ridge Garden. If you plan to harvest your own fresh leaves, beware of the tiny hairs that can cause skin irritation. You’ll want to strain your tea through a coffee filter before drinking to avoid getting those hairs in your mouth and throat. I usually break out my pour over coffee carafe for any tea that contains mullein.

Click on the picture below for a printable version to add to your herbal notebook.